Wednesday, April 3 8:30 – 16:30
Room: Conference Desk
Wednesday, April 3 9:00 – 10:20
Session 01
Room: Duhok- Hall 1
Chair: Adel Eesa
Session 02
Room: Duhok- Hall 2
Chair: Ramadhan H. Suleiman
- Risk Assessment of Dangerous Natural Processes and Phenomena in Mining Operations
- Hydro Geopolitics of the Tigris and Euphrates
- Dendroclimatological Analysis of Pinus Brutia Ten. Grown in Swaratoka, Kurdistan Region – Iraq
- Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics in The Simulation of Carbon Monoxide Distribution, a Case Study: Sayad Underground Tunnel in Tehran
Session 03
Room: Duhok- Hall 3
Chair: Hamid S. Kachel
- Extraction of Hydrogen Sulfide from Water of Duhok Dam by Industrial Open Pilot Plant
- A new ecological risk assessment method of heavy metals in sediment and soil
- Potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in Iraqi soils: case studies
- The Incidence of Intestinal Parasites among Children in Hivi Pediatric Hospital, Duhok, Iraq
Session 04
Room: Duhok- Hall 4
Chair: Omar Ali
- Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection and Radiation on Performance of Uniform Fins Geometry
- Detecting Kissing Disbond Defect in Adhesively Bonded Structures: A Review
- Shape Restoration of Deformed Egg-Shaped Single Layer Space Frames
- Experimental Investigation to Retrofit HCFC-22 Window Air Conditioner with R-407C
Wednesday, April 3 10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
Rooms: Duhok- Hall 1, Duhok- Hall 2, Duhok- Hall 3, Duhok- Hall 4
Wednesday, April 3 11:00 – 12:20
Session 05
Room: Duhok- Hall 1
Chair: Idrees Sarhan Hussein
- Optic Disc Detection and Segmentation in Retinal Fundus Image
- Green Cloud Framework For Reducing Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Cloud Infrastructure
- Effect of Wavelet Decomposition on Database Size Reduction for Face Recognition Rate
- Smart Home Management System Based on Face Recognition Index in Real-time
Session 06
Room: Duhok- Hall 2
Chair: Nawzat Ahmed
- Facial Expression Classification Based on SVM, KNN and MLP Classifiers
- Design and simulation of High-Speed Parallel/Sequential Simplified DES code breaking based on FPGA
- Unsupervised Learning Approach-Based New Optimization K-Means Clustering for Finger Vein Image Localization
- Machine learning and Region Growing for Breast Cancer Segmentation
Session 07
Room: Duhok- Hall 3
Chair: Shavan K. Askar
- A Survey of Routing Algorithms in Vehicular Networks
- Radiation Pattern of Spherical Slotted Antenna Coated by Dielectric Material and Plasma
- MCRP: Multiple Chain Routing Protocol for Energy Efficiency in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
- A Planar Self-Complementary Fractal Triangular Antenna for UWB Applications
Session 08
Room: Duhok- Hall 4
Chair: Haval Mohammed
Wednesday, April 3 12:30 – 14:30
Rooms: Duhok- Hall 1, Duhok- Hall 2, Duhok- Hall 3, Duhok- Hall 4
Wednesday, April 3 15:00 – 16:20
Session 09
Room: Duhok- Hall 1
Chair: Maiwan Bahjat Abdulrazzaq
- Optimized FPGA Implementation of the CRC Using Parallel Pipelining Architecture
- Different Model for Hand Gesture Recognition with a Novel Line Feature Extraction
- A Comparison of Three Classification Algorithms for Handwritten Digit Recognition
- Diagnosis of The Parkinson Disease Using Enhanced Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network and OneR Attribute Evaluation Method
Session 10
Room: Duhok- Hall 2
Chair: Masoud Muhammed Hassan
- Combining Best Features Selection Using Three Classifiers for Intrusion Detection System
- Enhance the Mommogram Images for Both Segmentation and Feature Extraction Using Wavelet Transform
- Performance Measurement for Distributed Systems using 2TA and 3TA based on OPNET Principles
- Trainable Model Based on New Uniform LBP Feature to Identify the Risk of the Breast Cancer
Session 11
Room: Duhok- Hall 3
Chair: Nidhal Mohammed
- Improvement Viscosity Index of Lubricating Engine Oil Using Low Molecular Weight Compounds
- Modeling The Effect of Reservoir Fluid Properties on Abundance of (H2S) Evolved From Oil Wells and Dissolved in Reservoir Fluids
- Hydrocarbon Degradation of Oil Pipeline Blockage by Thermophilic Fungi Isolated from Tawke Field
- Using a Mix of Three Microbial Strains on Fermentation and Aerobic Stability of Grass Silage
Session 12
Room: Duhok- Hall 4
Chair: Firas Mahmood Mustafa
Thursday, April 4 9:00 – 10:20
Room: Conference Desk
Session 01
Room: Duhok- Hall 1
Chair: Razwan M.S. Najimaldeen
- Effect of quantization Error and SQNR on the ADC using Truncating method to the nearest integer bit
- Design and Analysis of Proposed Remote Controlling Distributed Parallel Computing System Over the Cloud
- Image Steganalysis in Frequency Domain using Co-Occurrence Matrix and BPNN
- Term Weighting for Feature Extraction on Twitter: A Comparison between BM25 and TF-IDF
Session 02
Room: Duhok- Hall 2
Chair: Ahmad Baheej Al-Khalil
- High Speed Parallel RC4 Key Searching Brute Force Attack Based on FPGA
- Influence Maximization Problem Approach to Model Social Networks
- Building a Noisy Multipath Channel Emulator for Single or Multicarrier Communication Systems
- Multi- Component Current Control of a Single Phase Power Converter: A Model Predictive Approach
Session 03
Room: Duhok- Hall 3
Chair: Ramadhan J. Mstafa
Session 04
Room: Duhok- Hall 4
Chair: Wijdan Miro
- Electrochemical Degradation of Alizarin Black Dye in Aqueous Medium Using Fe/Al Electrode
- Determination of Dissociation Constants of Malonic Acid in (Ethylene glycol-Water)X% Mixed Solvent at Different Temperatures Using Electromotive Force Measurements
- Gastrointestinal larval nematodes on pastures grazed by small ruminants of Duhok area
- Kinetic of Ascorbic Acid Dissolution in Local Pomegranate Juices
- Extracting Cellulose Fibers from Rice Husks to Prepare a pH Sensitive Hydrogel with Sodium Alginate
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